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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September 6. . .Live Life Like Corn. . .Miraculously

Live Life Like Corn. . . Miraculously

Use the power of your subconscious mind and daily positive affirmations to create your own version of a happy and fulfilling life.  Your LiveLifeLike word for today is:
  • Miraculous: As if by an event that seems impossible to explain by natural laws and so is regarded as supernatural in origin or as an act of God.
Build your own positive internal dialog by repeating, silently or aloud, the following affirmation:

·         My Positive Affirmation: I Live my Life Miraculously, opening my Heart and Awakening the Creator Within Me.

Ponder the meaning of today’s LiveLifeLike word:

·         My Personal Guidance:  I Am Awake and Am in Divinity.  My mind cannot explain what it sees, but my Heart Knows I Am Home. 

Use the power of today’s positive affirmation to create your own Best Reality Today!

·         My Personal Call to Action:  How will I Live my Life Miraculously today?

Release all negativity and access the endless resources of positive energy that are within you!

A Comment from Carolyn. . .

Isn't LIFE miraculous?  Look at the beautiful kernels of corn in this photo.  Can you imagine figuring out how to create such a thing?  One dried-up kernel of corn planted in the ground produced a talk green plant that then created this marvelous ear of juicy corn.

The more scientists research how life on our planet was created and continues to create itself, the more they realize that Life is truly a miracle.

With all our modern and so-called advanced technology, we still cannot make something as seemingly simple as an ear of corn.

Today, observe all the supernatural things that surround you. . .and live your life. . .like corn. . .miraculously!

Thanks for sharing this journey with me. . .
     Many Thanks and Smiles. . .Carolyn


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Photo courtesy of member muffet1 at


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