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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

June 22. . .Live Life Like a Heron. . .Motionlessly

Live Life Like a Heron. . . Motionlessly

Use the power of your subconscious mind and daily positive affirmations to create your own version of a happy and fulfilling life.  Your LiveLifeLike word for today is:
  • Motionless: Not moving.
Build your own positive internal dialog by repeating, silently or aloud, the following affirmation:

·         My Positive Affirmation:  I Live my Life Motionlessly, for I need go nowhere, but only Be in this Present Moment.

Ponder the meaning of today’s LiveLifeLike word:

·         My Personal Guidance:  My Soul requires nothing of me.  I need nothing; I need go nowhere.  I Am All that Is and Ever Shall Be. 

Use the power of today’s positive affirmation to create your own Best Reality Today!

·         My Personal Call to Action:  How will I Live my Life Motionlessly today?

Release all negativity and access the endless resources of positive energy that are within you!

A Comment from Carolyn. . .

Can you live your life as motionlessly as this heron?  Herons, many other birds, and most wild animals must master the art of motionlessness in order to catch their next meal.

I was fortunate to vacation in Canada one summer.  While my husband and stepson motored away by boat to some other part of the large lake, I stayed on shore with the intention of reading a book.  My attention, though, was captivated by the beauty of the surrounding area.  Not very far away from me was a great blue heron standing so still along the shoreline.  All at once, it plunged its beak down into the water and captured a fish.  The heron positioned the fish in its beak so that it would slide into its mouth and down its throat.  I could actually see the outline of the fish as it was digested down the heron’s throat.  That was such a memorable event during my vacation!  I will never forget that!

Truly, we can witness and experience much by being quiet and motionless.  Today, plan to spend even a little time sitting quietly, not moving, observing your surroundings.  Today. . .live your live like a heron. . .motionlessly!

Thanks for sharing this journey with me. . .
     Many Thanks and Smiles. . .Carolyn


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Photo courtesy of member idyguy at


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