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Monday, August 22, 2011

August 22. . .Live Life Like a Bee. . .Spiritedly

Live Life Like a Bee. . . Spiritedly

Use the power of your subconscious mind and daily positive affirmations to create your own version of a happy and fulfilling life.  Your LiveLifeLike word for today is:
  • Spirited: Full of or marked by animation, vigor or courage.
Build your own positive internal dialog by repeating, silently or aloud, the following affirmation:

·         My Positive Affirmation: I Live my Life Spiritedly, vigorously and actively involved in My Creation.

Ponder the meaning of today’s LiveLifeLike word:

·         My Personal Guidance:  I don't just stand back and watch life happen around me, I actively involve myself in Life.  I courageously take charge of My Life. 

Use the power of today’s positive affirmation to create your own Best Reality Today!

·         My Personal Call to Action:  How will I Live my Life Spiritedly today?

Release all negativity and access the endless resources of positive energy that are within you!

A Comment from Carolyn. . .

I just love to watch bees animatedly pollinating our garden plants.  They spiritedly buzz from one flower to another thirstily drinking nectar while unknowingly pollinating the plants.  Sometimes a bee will courageously buzz over to me to see if I’m a flower! 

Hummingbirds are also a joy to watch.  They are truly the most vigorous of all the birds!  I have a couple hummingbird feeders in our garden, but these tiny spirited birds seem to prefer the nectar of flowers instead of the sugar substitute.  Good for them!

Today, think about the bees and the birds and try to model your life after them by being animated, vigorous, and courageous.  Today. . .live your life like a bee. . .spiritedly!

Thanks for sharing this journey with me. . .
     Many Thanks and Smiles. . .Carolyn


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Photo courtesy of member wattsup at


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